Es un dispositivo de estiramiento facial que hace una gran diferencia en la apariencia de la piel. Verá la tecnología de las técnicas antienvejecimiento y de estiramiento de la piel y una gran diferencia en la apariencia de la cara.
Nos han mandados este aparato de radiofrecuencia y EMS para renovar, regenerar la piel, reduce la aparición de lineas de expresión y arrugas.
vskin can also help skin care products penetrate into the skin better, making the skin smoother
martinasacco_mua .
After using it for a while, my skin has indeed become much tighter. I recommend buying it.
Das Design gefällt mir sehr. Durch die schlanke Form liegt es gut in der Hand. Das Aufladen dauert etwa 2 Stunden und ein Kabel wird mitgeliefert. Auch ein kleines Samtsäckchen zur Aufbewahrung ist dabei. Eine ausführliche Gebrauchsanweisung mit Tipps zur Anwendung ebenfalls.
Stimola la produzione di fibre di collagene ed elastina
Pelle liscia
Riduce le rughe e le linee sottili
REStringere la pelle cadente e sollevare la pelle
Migliora l'elasticità della pelle
Ridona luminosità e tono alla pelle.
Rimuovere l'edema e l'acne
Riduci il rossore
Elimina i segni dell'acne.
ilaria_creator .
Great design, very easy to use! I could see effects on my skin after only one week. I use it every day after my skincare routine! I recommend it 100% .
SUNMAY VSkin is a multifunctional beauty care device.
It combines Radio Frequency, Red and Blue Light Therapy.
Micro current, as well as High Frequency technologies for salon-quality anti-aging care in the comfort of your own home.
roberta_bini.ugc .
Ho provato il Sunmay Vskin RF & EMS Facial Machine e WOW, che differenza! Questo dispositivo combina radiofrequenza ed elettrostimolazione per un effetto lifting, tonificante e anti-age, direttamente da casa. Perfetto per chi vuole una pelle più compatta e luminosa in pochi minuti al giorno!
Se anche tu vuoi un trattamento professionale senza uscire di casa, questo fa al caso tuo!
claudiabarric c.
“ ” è ò
è ’
é è !
È …. à !
emi. e.
C'est un appareil de raffermissement de la peau anti-âge qui vous permet de profiter de soins de beauté professionnels à la maison. Il combine les technologies Multi RF et EMS les plus avancées pour renouveler et régénérer la peau tout en réduisant l'apparence des rides et ridules et en liftant les contours du visage.
❤TECHNOLOGIE MULTI RF -adopte des ondes de radiofréquence interchangeables, répartissant uniformément la chaleur dans la couche de derme pour stimuler la production de fibres de collagène et d'élastine. Cela lisse la peau pour réduire les rides et ridules.
❤THÉRAPIE PAR MICRO-COURANT - En mode EMS, il libère un micro-courant pour stimuler la production d'ATP qui dynamise les muscles du visage. La fonction EMS est comme les électrostimulateurs pour le corps qui émettent en même temps des vibrations pulsées. Il stimule la sécrétion de collagène, active la fibre de collagène, améliore le relâchement et réduit les rides, augmente la circulation sanguine pour obtenir l'effet d'élimination de l'œdème et de levage et de resserrement.
❤LUMIÈRE ROUGE ET BLEUE --- La lumière rouge peut améliorer la viabilité cellulaire, renforcer l'élasticité de la peau et atténuer la mélanine, rendant ainsi la peau lumineuse, hydratante et brillante; La lumière bleue peut calmer et éliminer l'acné. Il est efficace pour protéger votre peau après avoir éliminé l'acné. Il peut pénétrer dans 0,25 mm sous le cortex, détruire le milieu de vie de l'acné.
Une crème ou un sérum et c'est parti, il est hyper agréable a utilisé, pas de douleur ni d'inconfort. Déjà m'a peau est plus douce !
sorridiincucinaconmanu s.
Si tratta di un trattamento laser antieta' ,ringiovinimento cutaneo del viso,facile e portatile .
Combina la radiofrequenza terapia luce rossa e blu, microcorrente da applicare comodamente a casa tua!!!!
Nella confezione troverete libretto di istruzioni, cavo per ricarica,e una custodia per portarlo sempre con voi!!!
meryluna51 5.
Uno dei prodotti di cui ho sempre avuto necessità di averlo. Non solo per questione di interesse ma non posso permettermi di spendere un sacco di soldi per centri estetici di cui non ottengo risultati ottimali che voglio.
Questo dispositivo di ringiovanimento della pelle applica la tecnologia a più radiofrequenze. Migliora l'elasticità, la luminosità e il tono della pelle. Aiuta a levigare i primi segni dell'età e Stimola la produzione di fibre di collagene ed elastina. L'EMS viene utilizzato per rassodare e sollevare la pelle. Inoltre ha due tipi di intensità: luce rossa per il rafforzamento e il ringiovanimento della pelle. Aiuta a riparare lo strato di collagene danneggiato e luce blu per rimuovere l'acne. Ottimo come antinfiammatorio. Aiuta a ridurre il rossore ed elimina i segni dell'acne.
Non crea danni alla pelle, è sicuro, pratico e indolore.
lavenderprovince p.
Spas sind mir meist zu teuer und daher bin ich echt froh, wenn ich die Möglichkeit habe, Hautpflege Tools zu Hause zu verwenden und zu testen.
Klar, wie effektiv es ist, kann ich nach der kurzen Anwendungszeit noch nicht sagen, jedoch, dass ich die Anwendung sehr entspannend finde.
Das VSkin Device von Sunmay hat zwei Funktionen, die über den einzigen Knopf leicht anzusteuern sind. Vor der Verwendung nicht vergessen, die Schutzkappen abzunehmen.
Die beiden Funktionen beinhalten eine leichte Gesichtsmassage und Mikrostrom. Zudem sollen das rote und blaue Licht (je nach Funktion) das Hautbild positiv beeinflussen.
me_tee l.
Wie klingt eine angenehme Wärme und leichte Massage im Gesicht? Sehr verlockend, nicht wahr?
Dieses Gerät von Sunmay verwendet wechselnde Hochfrequenzwellen und verteilt die Wärme gleichmäßig in der Dermisschicht, um die Produktion von Kollagen- und Elastinfasern zu stimulieren. Dies führt dazu, dass die Haut glatter wird und Falten und feine Linien reduziert werden.♀️
Im EMS-Modus setzt dieses Gesichtsmassagegerät Mikrostrom frei. Doch nicht erschrecken! Dies fühlt sich sehr angenehm an und ist absolut schmerzfrei.
Man spürt nur eine leichte Wärme. Ich habe es ausprobiert. Es stimuliert die Kollagensekretion, aktiviert die Kollagenfasern, verbessert das Durchhängen und reduziert Falten.
Es gibt zwei Modi: Einmal mit rotem und einmal mit blauem Licht
Das rote Licht ist für Hautstraffung und Verjüngung.
sdde f.
VSkin Radiofrequência e tecnologia EMS 2 em 1 num dispositivo de lifting facial
Modo RF 6 min e o modo EMS 5 a 6 min
É um instrumento de beleza que usa a tecnologia de radiofrequência (RF) e estimulação muscular elétrica (EMS) para melhorar a aparência da pele, reduzir rugas, clarear manchas, combater acne, estimular a produção de colágeno.
mgbjhb j.
SUNMAY VSkin RF and EMS Facial Machine
PROFESSIONELLE SUNMAY VSkin ist ein Anti - Aging Hautstraffungsgerät, mit dem Sie professionelle Beauty - Spa - Behandlungen zu Hause genießen können. Es kombiniert die fortschrittlichsten Multi - radiofrequenz- und mikrostrom technologien, um die Haut zu erneuern und zu regenerieren, während das Erscheinungsbild feiner Linien und Falten reduziert und die Gesichtskonturen angehoben werden.
Dieses Hochfrequenz - Gesichtsgerät verwendet wechselnde Hochfrequenzwellen und verteilt die Wärme gleichmäßig in der Dermisschicht , um die Produktion von Kollagen- und Elastinfasern zu stimulieren . Dies glättet die Haut , um Falten und feine Linien zu reduzieren.
Im EMS - Modus setzt dieses Gesichtsmassagegerät Mikrostrom frei, um die ATP - Produktion zu stimulieren, wodurch die Gesichtsmuskeln mit Energie versorgt werden. Die mikrostrom funktion ist wie die Elektrostimulatoren für den Gesicht , die gleichzeitig gepulste Vibrationen abgeben. Es stimuliert die Kollagensekretion, aktiviert die Kollagenfaser, verbessert das Durchhängen und reduziert Falten.
✔️Das rote Licht ist hilfreich für die Hautstraffung und -verjüngung. Es hilft auch, die beschädigte Kollagenschicht zu reparieren.
✔️Das blaue Licht dient zum Entfernen von Akne. Es hilft auch, Rötungen zu reduzieren und Akneflecken zu beseitigen.
Das SUNMAY VSkin radiofrequenz gerät gesicht ist schmerzlos, sicher und einfach zu bedienen. Leicht, überall hin mitzunehmen, Sie können es zu Hause oder auf Reisen verwenden.
yfyg e.
SUNMAY VSkin RF and EMS Facial Machine
Nach einigen Tagen der Anwendung bemerke ich einen Unterschied, speziell an der Stelle, an der meine Akne am stärksten ausgeprägt ist.
Es gibt 3 Intensitätsstufen, ich habe die schwächste verwendet. Das Gerät ist einfach zu bedienen, hat sehr schönes und modernes Design.
Mir gefällt, dass es wiederaufladbar ist, sodass es auch unterwegs verwendet werden kann.
Es ist auch ideal für Reisen. Die Anwendung des Geräts ist völlig schmerzfrei.
Ich muss auch hinzufügen, dass die Verpackung auch sehr modern ist.
yrfyrf y.
Bellas, los milagros Beauty no existen.
La constancia es la clave del éxito.
Tenía pendiente de hacer esta reseña, del dispositivo que me envió la marca sunmay, con 2 funciones:
✨RF(Radiofrecuencia) y EMS (Electro estimulación vascular).
La marca indica que la RF, es capaz de tratar la arrugas profundas, reafirma la piel apagada y hace que luzca más brillante y elástica, usar 2-3 veces en semana.
✨ Microcorrientes EMS, estimulan la profileracion de células epidérmicas y levantan y reafirman la piel.
La luz roja❤️ (longitud de onda 630+/-5nm) Reafirma, rejuvenece y repara la capa de colágeno dañada.
La luz azul (longitud de onda 415+/-5nm), reduce el enrojecimiento,antiinflamatorio y borra marcas de acné.
Funciona sin cable, tiene 3 niveles en cada modo y en solo 6 minutos estarás lista, ideal para vagas .
sageag E.
This device is truly amazing!!!!!!!!
Every time with every effect! Been using it for a while and my skin has tightened. Later, I didn't insist on using it for a while because I was busy with work, but the effect is still the same.
After stopping using it for a period of time, I continued to use it for a month, and my face was obviously firmer than before and looked much smaller than before!
emiliethueberger r.
Professional face massager Anti Wrinkle Device, Wrinkle Removal and Face Lifting.
Vskin Vs Radio Frequency.✨️
Radiofrequency stimulates the production of collagen fibers and reduces wrinkles.
Red Light - Skin tightening - helps repair damaged collagen layer.
Blue Light-Removes acne. It's anti-inflammatory.
rossana d.
Si tratta di un dispositivo anti- età per il rafforzamento della pelle.
Combina radiofrequenza con la tecnologia EMS per rinnovare la pelle lasciandola liscia e aiuta a ridurre le rughe.
Le Funzioni principali sono :
Terapia a luce rossa RF rassoda la pelle, ripara dello strato di collagene danneggiato.
Terapia a luce blu EMS rimuove l acne, antinfiammatorio e riduce il rossore eliminando i segni dell acne.
Terapia Micro corrente stimola la proliferazione delle cellule epidermiche riducendo le rughe .
Ha tre intensità:
1 bassa
3 alta
Per la pelle grassa è consigliabile usare la funzione 3 per le pelle sensibili invece la 1.
I primi risultati dopo un mese di trattamento .
fjkh u.
e un dispositivo anti-età per il rafforzamento della pelle che ti permette di godere di trattamenti di bellezza professionale a casa tua combina radiofrequenza e tecnologia EMS per rinnovare e rigenerare la pelle riducendo le linee sottili e le rughe !!! Progettato per essere usato su tutte le aree del viso del collo e del
erkagall o.
Questo strumento combina la tecnologia a radiofrequenza (RF), che stimola la produzione di fibre di collagene ed elastina, leviga la pelle e riduce le rughe e le linee sottili; e la tecnologia microcorrente (EMS), che aiuta a rassodare e sollevare la pelle.
A queste tecnologie viene abbinata la luce rossa, che rafforza e ringiovanisce la pelle, andando a riparare lo strato di collagene danneggiato; e la luce blu, che aiuta a rimuovere l'acne, è antinfiammatorio e riduce il rossore i segni sulla pelle.
Indolore, sicuro e facile da usare.
Si consiglia un utilizzo regolare e di applicare un siero per il viso prima dell’utilizzo.✨♀️✨
mamama j.
Conoces la revolución de la belleza facial?✨
SUNMAY VSkin Radiofrecuencia Facial es el dispositivo de belleza que esta revolucionando el mercado de la estética
Con tan solo 5 minutos al día el cambio es muy grande ⏱️
Buscas rejuvenecer tu piel? Eliminar arrugas? Un levantamiento facial? Combatir el envejecimiento?
iojpo e.
Para la cara 10 minutos diarios, está bien, porque si es para el resto del cuerpo, no dura la carga más de 20/30 minutos., y estar cargándolo para mí se me hace incómodo, porque como se te descargue a medias te pilla con el gel echado.
Lo recomiendo para zona de cara, evitando el cuello por la tiroides, y calcular cuánto tiempo dura la carga en su rutina diaria con la temperatura deseada y así sabe cada cuánto tiene que cargar para aprovechar el gel y no quedarse a medias. Teniendo esto en cuenta, puede ser útil para mantener la piel facial sana y que penetre mejor el serum u otras cremas.
Yo prefiero que vengan con cable de alimentación, porque con el tiempo la batería va perdiendo fuelle, y ya no sirve claro, porque no funciona mientras está enchufado a la corriente eléctrica. El próximo que compre será de este tipo, aunque claro, son más caros.
yhdfy y.
Ho trovato fin da subito molto interessante questo strumento!
Avevo già visto qualcosa di simile (ovviamente di altre dimensioni) nelle SPA o nei centri estetici. Ma mai nulla di più maneggevole e da utilizzare comodamente a casa propria!
L’ho trovato piuttosto utile ed efficace; facile da utilizzare; e super pratico, viste le piccole dimensioni. Persino il design è molto accattivante!
Il prezzo è alla portata di tutti e all’interno della confezione troverete l’astuccino in cui conservarlo e il cavo con cui ricaricarlo!
Insomma, non posso far altro che consigliare questo prodotto!
Antonella a.
Veramente un ottimo apparecchio per radiofrequenza, risultati visibili con soli 6 minuti al giorno ( io anche ogni 3/4 giorni) . Ho 60 anni e faccio spesso la radiofrequenza dall’estetista , questa la trovo ottima
Riccardo d.
Ci ho messo un poco a capirlo. Inspirato ad altri device di fascia superiore come prezzo, a livello di qualita non gli manca niente mi pare.
Prime tre regolazioni sono una RF ( radiofrequenza) che scalda il viso ma senza mai bruciare ( come ho trovato in altri apparecchi) allo stesso tempo il calore mi sembra sufficientemente potente. Insomma ben bilanciato, da usare con gel o creme possibilmente. Il calore ha funzioni benefiche per i tessuti del viso. Le altre tre regolazioni vanno su una EMS ( quelle piccole scossette che fanno muovere i muscoli del viso, per intendersi) e sono abbinate al calore, se ho visto bene, si alternano. La potenza non manca anche qui. Quindi: un apparecchio super portatile, che consente con pochi minuti di dare una bella ripassata al viso. Mi pare un ottimo device.
Miausen d.
Vorneweg, das ist mein erstes EMS Gerät und ich habe es noch sehr neu, daher kann ich zur langfristigen Verbesserung keine Auskunft geben.
Nachdem meine Mutter so ein Super-teures-Gerät besitzt und ich erstmal den Einstieg finden wollte, habe ich mich für dieses Gerät entschieden. Die Lieferung erfolgte Amazontypsich sehr schnell.
Das Gerät macht einen schweren, stabilen Eindruck und wird mit einem Ladekabel und einer Schutztasche geliefert. Der Akku muss vor der ersten Benutzung aufgeladen werden.
Es ist einfach in der Handhabung. Ich habe mir noch etwas Hyaluronserum auf der Haut verteilt und einige Minuten in Streich- bzw Kreisbewegungen die Haut bearbeitet. Es hat sich gut angefühlt, das Gerät wird nicht heiß, sondern läuft ruhig und sehr ordentlich.
Ich finde für den Einstieg ist das Gerät perfekt, vorallem ohne Kabel, da ich, wie beim Zähneputzen auch, die meiste Zeit sinnlos durch die Gegend laufe.
Ich denke es wird so 2,3 Monate dauern, dann werde ich wieder nach dem Ausweis gefragt werden .
xbLaCkPeArLx f.
In erster Linie möchte ich den tollen Kundenservice erwähnen. Mir wurde in kürzester Zeit geantwortet und geholfen und sofort eine Lösung angeboten. Also für den Kundenservice vergeben ich 10 Sterne :) Ich habe schon öfters Dinge von Sunmay gekauft. Bis jetzt war ich immer zufrieden. Nur leider mit diesem Gerät hatte ich kein Glück. Es hat sich sehr gut angefühlt. Nur leider blieb es bei dem einen mal :( wollte es heute morgen wieder benutzen, leider ohne Erfolg. Nach dem einschalten fing es an zu piepsen, durchgehend und nach ein paar mal, schaltete sich das Gerät aus. Ich dachte der Akku ist leer, was zwar sehr komisch gewesen wäre, da ich es vor der ersten Anwendung aufgeladen hatte. Somit konnte es eigentlich nicht leer sein, dennoch versuchte ich es mit aufladen. Nach ca. 1 Stunden versuchte ich erneut, es in Betrieb zu nehmen. Gleiches Resultat. Das Gerät ließ sich einschalten, fing aber kurz danach an zu piepsen und drehte sich einfach ab. Schade. Dennoch wurde mir sofort ein Ersatz angeboten. Hier hat man wirklich einen top Kundenservice und auch die Produkte von Sunmay sind super. Von mir ganz klar eine Kaufempfehlung
Seems Good Enough
I thought I'd give this small skin rejuvenation device a go, as I'm not as young as I was. I'll be amazed and delighted if it does smooth out wrinkles and blemishes from my aging skin, which has probably seen too much sun over the years.
The device is a nice size and easy to take if travelling. It's easy to use, with a clear instruction leaflet. It claims to tackle both inflammation and improve tightening of the skin. I always use some type of gel as it needs this to aid easy gliding over the skin and a better connection between electrodes and skin. It gives a faint tingling sensation on even the lowest setting, which suggests that something's happening.
I can't at this stage honestly tell whether this device is working as claimed, as I think it would take a few months to see if improvements are taking place. I know that it will take patience to see if there are any benefits. I'm a bit sceptical about it being so easy to improve my aging skin, but I'm willing to give it a fair trial. Trying anything is better than nothing at all.
This is an anti ageing tightening device which gives beauty spa treatments in the comfort of you own home. It combines radio frequency with EMS technology to renew and regenerate the skin leave it smooth and helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It’s really easy to use and the instructions are clear to follow. My first treatment went straightforward and I look forward to seeing the long term results of using this product. Great price and love the colour and quality of the design as well. Comes in a protective pouch and charging lead.
The product is super stylish and looks fab, love that it’s easy to take on travels and has a pouch and usb charger.
It’s great to add to you’re skin care routine to fight off wrinkles and other effects of ageing skin. Even great if you have bags under you’re eyes. So many functions- fab device.
Enjoyed using it…felt so relaxed afterwards too I found it calming ….great delivery and recommend the seller and product
S k
A good portable skin care device that has works well helps to tighten the skins and rejuvenates it well.
Adnan Ali
Das Produkt ist sehr wunderbar. Ich habe dieses Produkt zum ersten Mal gekauft. Es strafft die Haut wunderbar, hat eine schnelle Wirkung und ist einfach anzuwenden. Meine Freunde haben dieses Produkt gekauft und hatten positive Meinungen.
Aún llevo poco tiempo probándolo pero noto la piel más suave como mas tersa. El diseño me encanta porque además de bonito es muy cómodo para llevarlo de viaje y mientras veo la tele me hago el tratamiento después de echarme la crema.Espero ver resultados en unas semanas
Ho acquistato l'articolo in seguito alle recensioni entusiastiche degli altri utenti. Premetto che uso già da 3 anni l'apparecchio Nuface con la funzione microcurrent, con notevole soddisfazioni e risultati efficaci nel tempo. SUNWAY VSKIN RF sembra dare una efficacia temporanea che scompare con la mancata utilizzazione del prodotto.
Tra l'altro trovo la funzione ems fastidiosa a meno che non cosparsa il viso con un ingente quantità di gel conduttivo.
Mi riservo di testare l'articolo nel tempo, riaggiornando la presente recensione
Sophisticated and elegant look. It has only two modes: Radio Frequency (RF) + EMS.
RF beauty is a heat penetration, the higher the gear, the hotter it is. It's actually Thermage. It generates heat through radio frequency (Mono-polar RF), and transfers heat through the epidermis to the dermis, thereby exerting a firming and lifting effect. My wife will apply the serum on her face and use RF to boost skin metabolism.
The blue light is on when the EMS mode is on. It has 3 gears, the stronger the gear, the more obvious your feeling. It gradually heats up and stimulates your skin with subtle electrical currents. The electric current stimulates your subcutaneous tissue and the collagen in the dermis shrinks, which makes the skin in the dermis more active and improves the elasticity of the skin.
Its effect takes time to verify. Its use is not complicated. Use with your skin care products. It feels good to hold and is small in size.
Miss S
I have been searching for an RF Skin Tightening device for quite some time however some of them are so pricey. When I saw this I decided to give it a go.
I have been using this for just a few days so far and of course, it is too soon to see any difference in my skin. These things need months and months of constant use to see the full benefits. This micro-current beauty device combines RF and EMS technologies to tighten and rejuvenate the skin. Both of the modes have 3 different power settings to suit any skin needs.
The RF mode is great to boost collagen products which will help with skin elasticity. The EMS mode has a tingling sensation on the skin which is not unpleasant. I bought a conductive gel to use with the device because I believe it would be more effective than using a normal face serum.
The device is very lightweight and seems well-made and sturdy. I hope to see long-term results with continuous use.
I love this little magical tool!
I’ve been using it for not very long time but I can tell it really works!
I love the ELV mode because I see immediate results right after I use it on my jaw area, but now that I’ve been using it for some time, I see results all over.
I’ve had so many people ask me what I’ve been using on my skin.
It doesn’t not hurt or any pain at all
This is a very nice looking bit of kit that uses radio frequency to help tighten the skin and get rid of wrinkles, Obviously one for the wife as I have flourless skin that needs no improvement although I might try rubbing this around my belly area and see if it can tighten that up, I'm joking of course it has it's work cut out with the wife, anyhow she has been trying out, she told me the instructions are nice a clear and using it is just a case of rubbing over those wrinkly areas which she has been doing, I have to say not noticed any improvement yet but I imagine like all these things it can take some time.
We have no negatives with this it looks well made nice colour and simple to use.
Sara Oxo
Sunmay skin rejuvenate seems to be working. I honestly don’t know with this, it may work, or it may all be in my head, but my skin does appear a little smoother and fresher. I hate potions as they frequently upset my skin, so this is great, no nasty ingredients to worry about. Hopefully with some more use you will be able to notice I look younger!!
Mr & Mrs C Neno
I have been using the blue light function on this to help tighten my jawline.
It pulses and then heats up. You must use with a serum as it can get painful if there is nothing to conduct the waves.
I am seeing an improvement in my double chin (I call it phone chin). If feels tighter and looks a little better.
As with all things I think persistent use over time is needed.
I will continue to use.
I am seeing an improvement in my jawline. My
First of all I haven't seen any visible results from the is as you need to use it for 3-6 months. I also reccomend you read all of the I strusctions before using it and also do some reaseatch into it. The box is lovely that it comes In and the instructions are clear and easy to read. The actual device itself is a really nice colour the design is lovely and it's not to heavy. Simply press the button to turn it on and the first set of lights are for the RF function. This has 3 settings I use the first as I have semsative skin. If you then press it again the colour of the light will change and this is the EMS function I also use this on the first frequency. Then after that it will turn off. Everything works well with this device and I'm hoping to see visible results within the next few months. It's not too much money really ocnsidering botix and face lifts cost alot. So I would reccomend this. Thankyou.
This is something that needs to be reviewed over the medium to long term so that you can fully see how effective it has been
For now after a short amount of use I would say that the small compact size fits well into your hand. The button is in the right place and easy to operate
After washing your face I would also use some cream or conductive gel so the pulse is more effective. Start out with a couple of times a week on a low setting just to get used to it. Then you can up the levels to something you're still comfortable with.
After that I just add some moisturiser
I will say I have stuck too using the EMS as I am unsure about RF yet. Need to read up more on that
Mrs. Hatter
I cant say so for this particular device just yet as have only been using it for four weeks and you need to give it a good few months but as I've been using this in comparison to my model from a much better known brand which I have used for nearly 8 months now I can tell you that EMS tech such as this does indeed 100% work and is great in combination with other ongoing treatments. This is a LOT cheaper than my other device but very similar in use and output so to be honest I'd still feel very confident at this stage to recommend as they are very similar in use and feel and the price gap is quite bit - so this is a great option to test the waters with and would recommend.
J. Turner
I got this, being a woman of a certain age, I thought it might be fun to test it. I've not been using it long, just about a month, but it has improved my skin and I'm quite pleased with that. It comes well boxed, with instructions and charger, and is easy to use. My skin tends to be dry, but using this, it's a little less wrinkly and I'm definitely a bit less jowly! After use my skin is a little flushed and quite dewy, so obviously I will keep on with it. The price is good too.
Great product, easy to use. No visable results yet but haven’t used for long. Would make a great gift as it’s a great price too
It is very easy to use little massage device. Has two light modes with radio frewquency to tackle 2 different problems. Red light is skin tightening and anti-aging, where the blue light is reduce inflamation and acne, evens skin tone too. It is working on some of my spots, helps to reduce redness and reduce them. I think it is combination use alongside with some of your skincare and treatments, to make it more effective than on its own. Lightweight so easy to take it anywhere.
Not really confident it has made a change to my face - not sure what exactly it has done. I'm not sure if I am using it properly, or if it takes more time - will continue to use for a little longer and will update the review if i do notice changes.
I am a skincare practitioner and I think this is really good quality for the price. I wouldn’t use it in professional treatments but it is a decent enough device for home use.
The wavelength of the lights are strong enough to penetrate the dermis, i would recommend using blue light for acne or blemishes and the red light for collagen and elastin production
I have noticed a slight change in my skin, it appears firmer. That for me makes this worth the money and I would recommend it.
I will just say the instructions aren’t the best but if you look on YouTube it can show you how to massage correctly for the best effect